
Key Stats
A snapshot of our inclusivity efforts.
female management ratio
percentage of portfolio well equity rated
Ethnic/Racial Diversity across employees
diverse supplier spend ratio
Inclusivity & Belonging
We strive to create living and working environments where everyone can thrive, working with well-reputable industry leaders and validate our progress.

WELL Equity Rating
Veris Residential is proud to be the first company globally to achieve the WELL Equity Rating portfolio wide. Developed by the International WELL Building Institute, the Rating addresses the needs and priorities of the most marginalized populations in workplaces and communities. For Veris Residential, the Well Equity Rating provides an actionable framework to improve access to health and well-being while celebrating diversity with our residents and employees. It is an integral part of our inclusivity strategy and a visible indication of our commitment to creating places where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive.
Included in 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
100% of managed portfolio WELL Equity Rated
52% racially/ethnically diverse across all employees
51% female at management-level and above
29% of operational spend payable to diverse suppliers
Based on Veris Residential’s 2023 ESG Update, released June 28, 2024
Case Studies
See how our inclusivity and belonging initiatives have enhanced our company culture by allowing for deeper understanding and connection.

Inclusivity & Belonging News
Reports & Policies
We hold ourselves accountable by regularly reporting on progress toward our corporate responsibility targets, as well as publishing our policies regulating our adherence to the highest of environmental and ethical standards.