Environmental Stats
A snapshot of our sustainability efforts.
green certified portfolio
scope 1 & 2 Emissions reduction
percent of portfolio with EV chargers
trees planted through ecologi
Preserving Our Planet
Climate change represents a global challenge for all economic players, and Veris Residential recognizes the importance of effectively reducing our environmental footprint.

Pathway to Decarbonization
We are committed to reducing energy consumption and emissions, as demonstrated by our SBTi-validated emission targets. Veris’ pathway to decarbonization is comprised of four main steps: measuring and disclosing our carbon emissions; reducing energy demand and increasing energy efficiency; switching to renewables; and offsetting additional emissions. Following this plan, thus far we have disclosed 100% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions and over 90% of Scope 3 emissions; reduced Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 66% and reduced energy consumption by 27.8%; procured 100% of operationally-controlled electricity from renewable sources and begun researching on-site renewables for mid-rise properties; and purchased carbon offsets to cover our annual emissions from our corporate headquarters.
66% reduction of Scope 1 & 2 emissions
27.8% reduction of energy consumption
79% of managed multifamily Green Certified
100% of operationally controlled electricity in the wholly-owned multifamily portfolio from renewable sources
65% of properties with EV charging points
100% of leases with a Sustainability Addendum
91% of properties with a Walk Score of 70 or higher
Based on August 2024 data.
Case Studies
See how our environmental initiatives work in action on-site at our communities throughout the Northeast.

Environmental News & Updates
Reports & Policies
We hold ourselves accountable by regularly reporting on progress toward our corporate responsibility targets, as well as publishing our policies regulating our adherence to the highest of environmental and ethical standards.